With less than six days to go I've got a little less than 10,000 words to write before I can claim my first ever NaNo victory. And I intend to do so.
Other writers out there doing NaNo talk about what kind of rewards they give themselves after writing a hard scene or doing a session of really good writing. Some give themselves a piece of candy, chocolate, or other food item. Others reward themselves with a new video game or movie they just bought. When I sit and think of what I do to reward myself after doing a writing session, nothing comes to my mind. I guess I don't reward myself in ways that you can see. I get my biggest reward in knowing that I am a thousand or two thousand words closer to my goal. Sure I flip on the TV after writing or go play a game on my computer afterward, but I wouldn't consider that my reward. That is more my down time after writing.
Ever since I crossed the halfway mark I have been even more motivated to get to the finish line with my 50,000 words in tow. I wake up, perform my morning rituals, and get to my laptop for the days writing session. The word count from the previous day motivates me to write more. Now that I have just over 40,000 words, the drive to reach 50,000 is stronger than ever. Coming this far in this challenge only to fail is not an option.
Yesterday I got through a difficult scene for me to write and I must say that if I was not doing NaNo I would have stalled there. I would have found excuse after excuse not to complete my novel and remain stuck at that one junction. Thanks to NaNo and my desire to get to finish what I have started, I pushed through and out to the other side.
The next time I provide a NaNo Update it will be to tell you that I have claimed my victory and completed my novel. See you all on the other side!
The best way out is always through.
-Robert Frost
Great job! I didn't really reward myself with anything... Being finished was reward enough! Like you, if I didn't have that deadline, I would have given up on a few tough scenes along the way. NaNo rocks! I never would have finished all on my own.
Nice Going.
CJ, Way to go! That's something to be proud of. Congratulations!
Congrats CJ! You have less than 3k to go and that is a huge accomplishment.
I missed it this years but will probably do it next. I can hope to pull it off. I imagine it could be fun.
I just noticed that you finished the 50K! Great job! Welcome to the winners circle!!!!
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